Online Learning

The COVID-19 situation has us all staying home reducing the spread of the virus. As a result we've moved our classes fully online. This post discusses how you can make your online learning experience successful.

Practice, practice, practice

To learn to code like an expert, you need to put in the time to practice. Don't overlook the basic stuff! Muscle memory is an important part of coding. As you practice implementing simple programs and concepts, you'll find that writing more complex code will start to seem easier. That's because most complex functions are just a few simple concepts joined together.

Take regular breaks

While learning or working from home, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself. Every hour or two it's important to stand up, walk around, drink water and stay healthy. Occasional light exercise can help the brain stay active and focused so you can give 100% when you're learning.

Learn as part of a live class

We know how important peers and mentors are during the learning process. That's why we chose to keep our fully-live 8-5 course structure. Every day during our online courses you will be listening and participating in the day's lecture and activities along with your peers on a video call (ex: Zoom).
